Jim Rome's Goatee

Monday, November 20, 2006


WTF is this all about???

Someone needs to call the cops. We have a homicide people.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Even a Caveman Can Do it.

Is there anything better than the Geico caveman commercials? My favorite part about them? Funny you should ask...I like their beards. They just need to shave that hair between their sideburns and the corners of their mouths and they would look dope.

~~The Goatee

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Where have all the Goats gone?

I remember back in the mid nineties when Jim could scarcely turn a corner without seeing a Goateed grunger. Or businessman. Or baseball player. Or stand up comic. We goats were abundant. Then our numbers started diminishing. Slightly at first and then at a healthy clip. I liken it to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Once they ruled the land. Once we ruled the land. Once they were innumerable and unstoppable. Once we were innumerable and unstoppable. But then a giant meteor crashed into the earth and they almost all died. Almost. Some survived. Komodo Dragons. Birds. Crocodiles. Alligators. Pterodactyls. Iguanas. They survived. Well I don't recall a Goatee exterminating meteor striking into earth but our hosts killed us off by the thousands over the last half-decade or so. But some have survived. Others have even strived. And even a more select group of us have exploded on the scene.

I am a surviving dinosaur and I am Jim Rome's Goatee.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


My brethren Have a Bad Name

Back in the day there was an episode of Star Trek where there was an evil Spock. There was good Spock with his na-nu na-nu fingers and Vulcan neck pinch thing going on, and then there was evil Spock that was exactly the same as good Spock except for....what? (Cue Jeopardy theme)...Evil spock had a Goatee. What are you trying to say there Star Trek people? I'm not quite following you? Are you suggesting that Goatee's are evil?

What a crock.

Monday, November 13, 2006



Like the moat that surrounded the castle of Camelot, I protect and defend the most powerful voice in sports radio. While others have come and gone, I have remained steadfast. I am Jim Rome's Goatee.


November 2006  

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